Basic Access Authentication, commonly called Basic Auth, is an authentication mechanism where the credentials are supplied, in base64 encoded form, in the request header, in this format:
Authorization: Basic [base64 encoded credentials]
Creating Your Basic Auth Header
Online tools exist which take your credentials as input, and output a basic auth header. Just search for basic auth header generator or something similar.
Alternatively, on Linux or Mac you can generate the header localy using the Command Line Interface (CLI):
echo "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n 'myusername:mypassword' | base64)"
where myusername is your username and mypassword is your password.
The output will be something like this:
Authorization: Basic bXl1c2VybmFtZTpteXBhc3N3b3Jk
Adding The Header To Your AppCheck Scan
If your application uses both Basic Access Authentication and another authentication mechanism you can use the basic auth header in conjunction with a GoScript to authenticate with both systems.
The basic auth header should be added in:
Web Application Scanner Settings
-> HTTP Headers
-> Custom HTTP Headers
for example:
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